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THSCC Frequently Asked Questions
1. Introduction and Administrativa
  1. Standard Disclaimers Apply
  2. Who's responsible for this FAQ?
  3. Who do I send a question to?
  4. What if I find an error?
2. About the Club
  1. What is Tarheel Sports Car Club's background? How did you get started?
  2. Can I get a list of club members?
  3. Do I have to join the club to participate in events?
  4. How do I join the club?
3. Where can I find information about Autocrossing with THSCC?
4. Where can I find information about Rallying with THSCC?
5. Where can I find information about running Time Trials with THSCC?
1.   Introduction and Administrativa top
  1.1.   Standard Disclaimers top  

This is a list of Frequently Answered Questions, FAQ for short, that attempts to answer questions about Tarheel Sports Car Club and what we do. Any information you find in this FAQ, or anywhere else on this web site, should be taken as information alone. Any injury, loss, or anything else that may happen to you as a result of acting on information found in this FAQ, Tarheel Sports Car Club and its members completely disclaim. You have been warned.

We can guarantee that, if you join the club and come to some events, you'll have a great time. That we can promise you.

  1.2.   Who's responsible for this FAQ? top  
    This FAQ is a compilation of information, resources, and suggestions from the membership of the Tarheel Sports Car Club. Suggestions for improvements to the FAQ can be directed to THSCC.
  1.3.   Who do I send a question to? top
    One great thing about Tarheel Sports Car Club, and about amateur motorsports in general, is that people are always willing to help out the newcomer. Check out our list of contacts for information about the club, autocrossing, rallying, time trials, or just to chat.  
  1.4.   What if I find an error? top
    If you find an error in this FAQ or elsewhere on the Tarheel Sports Car Club web site, please email us and we'll fix it straight away. Make sure to tell us what's wrong.  
2.   About the Club top
  2.1.   What is Tarheel Sports Car Club's Background top  
    Tarheel Sports Car Club was founded in Wilson, NC in 1964. For over 30 years now, THSCC has been putting on car driving events, as well as enjoying each other's company at various social events. THSCC is a an independent club, self-supported by member dues and event fees. To learn more about THSCC, check out All About THSCC.
  2.2.   Can I get a list of members? top  
    Out of respect of the privacy of our club members, we only make club directories available to members of THSCC. You might try our list of contacts if you want to talk to a real live human.
  2.3.   Do I have to join the club to participate in events? top
    As a general rule, no. We'd expect you might want to give autocrossing, rallying, or time trials a try before committing to do it for a year. However, some of our events have become so popular that we've been forced to institute an entry limit. Tarheel members always get first dibs on entry slots, but most events usually open to non-members 2 weeks prior to the event date. If slots are still available, you're welcome to sign up! Non-members are, however, subject to an additional charge when registering for an event. Charges vary depending on the type of event.  
  2.4.   How do I join the club? top
    We have all the membership information you need, plus a membership request form right ready for you. If you don't want to go there now, you can easily find this information when you return by clicking the "Join" link on the menu bar at the top of every page.  
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