Tarheel Tire Chirps and THSCC logo
last update Wednesday, 18-Feb-2015 22:44:47 EST  

JULY 14 RALLYCROSS CANCELLED (posted 7/12/2013)
     When will it ever stop?!? Once again, due to wet weather (and ground), we regret that we must cancel the July 14 rallycross. Keep an eye on the THSCC Calendar to see if we are able to reschedule this event at a later date.

Rallycross Update (posted 6/23/2013)
     Due to the cancellation of the June 9 rallycross, we've made 2 changes to the calendar:

Autocross Date Changes (posted 4/15/2013)
     We have had to make changes to the dates of 2 of our upcoming autocross events:
  • The May 19th event at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville has been moved up 2 weeks to May 5th.
  • The September 21st event at NCCAR has been moved back 2 weeks to October 5th.
     All people currently signed up have been moved to the new dates- we apologize for any inconvenience.

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     If you always start your visits at the homepage and you have cookies enabled on your browser, if there is "new" news in the Tire Chirps, this window will automatically pop up. If there is no "new" news, it will not. The cookie doesn't record any of your personal information, just the date of your last visit to thscc.com.